University of Warsaw Botanic Garden - the Garden and the greenhouses are open to the public:
from March to October
everyday from 10 am to 6 pm (GREENHOUSES are closed on Mondays)
Reduced fare:
Free Admission:
Additional informations about visiting the Botanic Garden: HERE
Regulations for visiting the Botanic Garden: HERE
Family ticket:
Reduced fare:
Free Admission:
University of Warsaw Botanic Garden has existed since 1818. It is one of the oldest and at the same time the smallest botanical gardens in Poland. Located in a representative place of the Capital, on the Royal Route, in the immediate vicinity of the Royal Łazienki Park, the Belvedere Palace and the Ujazdowski Castle, it is a special place gathering wonderful collections of native and foreign flora (over 5,000 species).
The plant collections of the Garden are divided into thematic sections, such as the ornamental plants section, plants systematics section or plants of Polish lowland flora. The majestic monumental trees create a unique atmosphere. Some, such as Chinese ginkgo, Chinese pearl bark or European ash, are over 200 years old. Collections of tropical plants are gathered in greenhouses with different climatic conditions.
The mission of the University of Warsaw Botanic Garden can be summarized in one sentence: We discover, protect and teach about the world of plants for a better future for people.
We are a scientific institution, associated with the University of Warsaw from the beginning. We run, among others research on the biology and evolution of plant pollination, the relationship between plants and pollinating animals, plant species growing in places heavily transformed by humans, and research on fungi, e.g. relationship between fungi and insects.
The main task of the Botanic Garden is to protect biodiversity. Threatened and endangered species growing in the garden and greenhouses are especially valuable. We support activities related to the implementation of the tasks of the Washington Convention (CITES), which aims to protect endangered species of plants and animals that are subject to international trade.
We are also an important educational institution. We popularize knowledge not only about the flora of Poland and the world, but also about local and global climate and food threats. We talk about the need to get closer to nature, to live in harmony with it, and we inspire to explore and protect it.
We cordially invite you to the University of Warsaw Botanic Garden at Ujazdów Avenue 4.